Discover the Enchanting Place de la Contrescarpe

Covered by the famous Parisian cobblestones and nestled in the heart of the Latin Quarter, Place de la Contrescarpe is a charming square that captures the essence of Parisian life. Its central fountain adds a touch of elegance, making it a beloved spot for both Parisians and tourists. The square is surrounded by bustling cafés and restaurants with inviting terraces, perfect for enjoying a leisurely meal or a coffee while people-watching.

A Historical Hub with Literary Connections

Place de la Contrescarpe has long been a favorite haunt of literary figures. Ernest Hemingway and George Orwell, among others, were known to frequent this vibrant square, drawn by its lively ambiance and intellectual allure. Today, you can still feel the creative spirit that once inspired these great writers. Just a short stroll from the square, down the lively rue Mouffetard, you'll encounter "la Mouffe," the picturesque market that offers a unique atmosphere and a wide array of Mediterranean products. From fresh produce to artisanal goods, this market is a sensory delight and a testament to the neighborhood's rich cultural heritage.

Explore the magic of Place de la Contrescarpe and immerse yourself in a quintessential Parisian experience that blends history, culture, and everyday charm. Whether you're sipping a café au lait at a terrace, browsing the market stalls, or simply soaking in the ambiance, this enchanting corner of Paris is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Nicole Gaines

Nicole is a retired ecopsycotherapist who, after 15 years has decided to become a vertical farmer. She resides in Basque Country, where gastronomy and the quality of food are held in high regard.

Born and raised in Southern California, Nicole enjoys surfing, skateboarding, bouldering and gathering with others to talk solutions and action regarding the climate crisis.

Le Jardin du Luxembourg
