Live in Paris is an international real estate guide from Prestant Realty.

“Moving abroad can be intimidating and so can selling your home in Paris as an expat. We want to make sure that your dream is actualized with all the help you need. As an American expat, I know the struggle and can help you navigate the obstacles of purchasing or selling your home successfully. Allow me and my team at Prestant Realty to take your desire to move to Paris from a dream to a reality.”

-Alex Gaines, Partner at Prestant Realty


Alex Gaines, MBA
Partner, Real Estate Agent

Originally from the United States, I studied abroad in France and obtained an International MBA at EDHEC in Nice. After a career in international trade and commercial real estate investment, I found Biarritz irresistible and decided to build my life in the Basque Country.

What I appreciate most about real estate is the human connection. I have the privilege of accompanying customers in one of life's most important decisions: where to live. My speciality is to seek out and accompany foreign buyers for prestigious properties, but also to work with a solid local network.

In joining the PRESTANT Realty team, I have found values that I hold dear and that are proving invaluable in the realization of a real estate project based on trust and loyalty. Reliability, professionalism and knowledge of the local real estate market are, along with my availability and responsiveness, the qualities I bring to the missions you entrust to me, whether to sell your property or accompany you in your search.

Hugues Sentis
Real Estate Agent

As a lifelong Parisian, I deeply appreciate this city and its special features; its charming and unusual places, sometimes those that are little known. My attachment to Paris enriches my vision and my professional commitment. I have a passion for the world of real estate. With nearly 40 years of experience, I started out in IT before moving into the construction sector, successfully revitalizing companies.

Over the years, my career path led me to set up companies specializing in project management and interior architecture, with a B-to-B focus. Six years ago, I turned my career towards luxury real estate as a consultant for one of the sector's leaders. Just over a year ago, I joined the PRESTANT Realty team, whose values I share: attentiveness, availability, and reliability.

What sets me apart is my in-depth expertise and sharp knowledge of the real estate market, combined with an attentive ear and a deep understanding of the needs of my customers, both buyers and sellers. I am committed to acting with integrity and demonstrating sound technical competence, essential qualities for success in the demanding field of real estate.

“I deeply appreciate this city and its special features; its charming and unusual places, sometimes those that are little known.”

-Hugues Sentis, Real Estate Agent at Prestant