The school system in France

Today, the Prestant agency is going to explain the school system in France, in order to help expatriates who wish to come and live here. We are committed to providing you with a clear and professional explanation of how education works in France.

The French school system is structured in several stages, each corresponding to a specific age and level of learning. 

It is mainly divided into four cycles.

Nursery school (3-6 years) :

Nursery school welcomes children from the age of three. It is not obligatory, but most children attend and are enrolled. The aim is to prepare children for entry into elementary school. Activities are mainly based on children's social, emotional and motor development, as well as on learning to read and write.

Elementary school (6-11 years) :

Elementary school, on the other hand, comprises five years of teaching. During this period, children acquire the fundamental foundations in reading, writing, mathematics and discovery of the world. The emphasis is on learning the basic skills needed to succeed in subsequent cycles.

Middle school (11-15 years) :

Middle school is obligatory for all children between the ages of 11 and 15, although it is divided into four years. In collège, students follow a more diversified program that includes subjects such as mathematics, French, science, history-geography, foreign languages and physical education and sports.

At the end of middle school, students sit the diplôme national du brevet, which evaluates the knowledge and skills they have acquired over the four years.

High school (15-18 years) :

The high school curriculum comprises three years of study, with students choosing a stream from the second year onwards, which can be general, technological or vocational.

General streams include specialties such as science, literature, etc., while technological and vocational streams prepare students for specific professions.

At the end of lycée, students sit the baccalauréat, which is essential for access to higher education.

Higher education :

After the baccalauréat, students can choose to pursue their studies in a variety of higher education institutions, such as universities, grandes écoles and university institutes of technology.

The French university system offers internationally recognized degrees: Licence (3 years), Master (5 years) and Doctorat (8 years). 

Welcoming foreign children :

French schools are generally well equipped to welcome foreign children. Special arrangements exist for non-French speakers, such as "classes d'accueil", where they can learn French while following the school curriculum. Expatriate parents can also find international or bilingual schools, especially in major cities.


The French school system is designed to provide a comprehensive and diverse education, preparing students for success in life.

At Prestant, we understand that school choice is a priority for expatriate families.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like more information about the school system in France.

We're here to help you make your plans for life in France a complete success.


French traditions


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