French traditions

Today, I'm going to tell you about the French traditions that are essential for expatriates moving to France.

Understanding these customs will help you integrate better and fully appreciate French culture.

Politeness and good manners

In France, politeness is very important. Saying "bonjour" when entering a store, office or meeting someone is a sign of respect.

Similarly, saying "au revoir" when leaving is just as essential. The French commonly use "s'il vous plaît" and "merci" in conversation.

Polite expressions are essential in everyday interactions, and show respect for others.


Meals occupy a central place in French culture. Lunch and dinner are special times for getting together with family and friends.

A typical meal consists of three courses: a starter, a main course and a dessert. In France, it's common to spend several hours at the table, especially on Sundays and holidays.

Wine and cheese are often present, and are appreciated in their own right.

Public holidays

France celebrates many festivals throughout the year.

July 14th, the national holiday, commemorates the storming of the Bastille and is marked by military parades, fireworks displays and popular balls.

Christmas and New Year are also important occasions, often celebrated with festive family meals. Chandeleur, on February 2, is a festival of sweet and savory crêpes, symbolizing the return of light.

May Day, Labour Day, is a public holiday when lilies of the valley are traditionally offered for good luck.

The culture of coffee and terraces

Enjoying a cup of coffee on a terrace is an integral part of everyday French life. Cafés are places to meet and relax, where you can spend time reading, chatting or simply observing life as it goes by.

It's common to see people spending hours sipping coffee or a glass of wine while taking in the lively atmosphere of the streets.

The education system

The back-to-school season in September is a major event in France. It marks the start of the school year, and is often accompanied by numerous activities for children and parents.

School vacations are also well organized, with regular breaks throughout the year, such as the Christmas, February and spring breaks.

Sports and leisure activities

Sport is an integral part of French culture. Soccer, rugby and cycling are among the most popular sports. The Tour de France, a famous cycling race, is an annual event followed by millions of people.

Leisure activities such as hiking, skiing and water sports are also very popular, thanks to the diversity of the French landscape.


Moving to France as an expatriate can be an enriching and exciting experience.

Knowing and understanding French traditions will help you integrate better and enjoy your new life to the full.

At Prestant, we're here to help you make the transition.

Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have about life in France, and to find out how we can help you find the perfect home.

Welcome to France and enjoy discovering our beautiful traditions !


The school system in France